This unit is concerned with raising awareness about LD / ADHD


With Us

The Learning Difficulties Professional Association (LDPA) is delighted to announce the launching of its activities “Land of Opportunities” in Beirut- Lebanon for individuals with learning difficulties: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia…, ADHD, Autism, Language and Communication Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, Personality Disorders and others. The LDPA mission is to provide an exemplary intervention for children/ teens and adult with learning difficulties. Our child-focused and family-centered intervention approach supports schools and nurtures students to develop their academic and social-emotional skills to build a foundation for life-long learning.

“You call it therapy… We call it Life changing opportunities”

Our aim is to improve the quality of our kids’ lives. We focus on providing compassionate, holistic care to our stakeholders and establish creative but structured plans of intervention that illuminate their future. We’re looking for a multidisciplinary team with similar styles and ideas in their own practices.

If you have a positive attitude and are good at motivating others, a career in the Learning Difficulties professional Association-“Land of opportunities” could be rewarding for you.

Open Positions

The Learning Difficulties Professional Association is looking for energetic and experienced multi-professional team of:

  • Occupational Therapists (OTs)

  • Speech-Language Therapists (STs)

  • Art Therapists

  • Drama Therapists 

  • Child Psychologists

  • Educational Psychologists – Conduct psycho-educational assessments for LD/ADHD and developmental disabilities. 

  • Clinical Psychologists

  • Psychiatrist

  • Neuropsychologist 

  • ABA Behavior Specialists

  • Nutritionists


  • The ideal candidates should:

    • Have Master’s degree from an accredited University.

    • Have three years of related experience, preferably with school aged children.

    • Demonstrate knowledge of current best practices in the area of specialty

    • Demonstrate effective communication skills and an ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team.

    • Be committed to meeting the needs of a diverse student population.

    • Have a track record of being a team player and community minded.

    • Be committed to their own learning.

    • Have excellent time management skills, flexibility, and ability to work independently and problem solve.

    • Have a passion for working in educational organizations.

    • Adhere to a high level of professional and ethical standards.


As you\’ll work with a diverse range of people who will all have different requirements, you\’ll need to understand each client\’s lifestyle so that you can create the best treatment plan for them.

  • Take a \’whole person\’ approach to each patient\’s physical and mental wellbeing by considering all his needs – physical, social, psychological and environmental.

  • Assess, plan, implement and evaluate treatment plans.

  • Undertake patient assessments and evaluations of physical, communication, interaction and cognitive skills.

  • Plan and provide appropriate treatment and activities and continuously review progress.

  • Establish realistic goals with the patient with meaningful outcomes.

  • Liaise with other professionals, such as doctors, physiotherapists, social workers, as well as patients\’ families, teachers to confirm plans of intervention.

  • Provide therapy guidance, support and education during patient sessions.

  • Assess treatment success at multi-professional case conferences/meetings.

  • Write reports and treatment plans and attend multidisciplinary case meetings to plan and review ongoing treatment.

  • Give advice and organize support groups for family members, caregivers and clients.

  • Refer patients to other specialists when needed.

  • Keep up-to-date written and electronic records.

  • Undertake general administrative tasks, for example writing reports, making telephone calls, maintaining records and case notes.

  • Contribute to the analysis, planning, development and evaluation of clinical services.

  • Train students and supervise the work of assistants in your speciality.


Employment Type

    • Part time (1 to 5 days per week in the morning or afternoon, and/or Saturday)

      As part timers, you will benefit from flexibility in setting your work hours as they are largely self-regulated and based on client availability.


This is based on educational level, certification(s), and years of experience. Employees will be contracted yearly. Contracts will be renewed according to evaluations and staff interest.

How to Apply

Submit a cover letter and a resume via email[email protected] or contact us. Email submissions should include in the subject line: \”Specialty, e.g.: Speech and Language Pathologist” 

To ensure safety for all students, all staff members’ background will be checked prior to their service as employees. We evaluate all applicants without unlawful consideration of race, religion, age, color, sex, or disability.

French and English -speakers are strongly encouraged to apply.

Privacy Policy

Client information is kept confidential. The counselling services at the Mental Health & Learning Center provided by the LDPA therapists are kept private and are not shared outside the center.

Clients need to give the therapists written permission to speak with a specific person, such as a family member, friend, doctor, school, work specialists, or other LDPA therapists. If a student is under the age of 18, then limited counselling information can be shared with parents without the written consent of the student. All attempts will be made to include the student in this process when such action is deemed necessary.

Counselling records are the property of the Land of Opportunities- Mental Health & Learning Center. If a client needs to access their counselling records for any reason, a summary of the treatment history can be provided. In addition, if the client is requesting treatment history to be shared with another therapist, consent of disclosure form must be completed by the client in order for reasonable information from the client record to be shared.

“You call it therapy,
we call it life changing opportunities”

Join Now

+965-6617 0931

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Level 4, Burj Dubai, Tayouneh Roundabout, Lebanon

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