School Shadowing and Collaboration

School Shadowing and Collaboration

Specialized Shadow Teacher Training Program

The LDPA provides an integrated training program to Assistant teachers, university students, as well as parents to understand the different stages of the child's development and the different types of disabilities which allow them to shadow these students and support teachers in their classrooms.

We help schools’ administrations to locate well experienced shadow teachers when needed. LDPA certified shadow teachers are available on an ongoing basis or per the student’s need and in consultation with the school.

LDPA Inclusion Program

Developing Inclusive Schools through a Systemic Approach

LDPA helps you transform your school to an inclusive school through the three tiers of the universal “Response To Intervention” Inclusion Approach.

Tier 1- Aims at educating the schools’ community on inclusive settings and support teachers in their quest to adopt a proactive response towards students at risk and make sure that no student left behind.

A total of 120 Hours of Intensive Teachers’ Training: 60 hours of one-on-one training + 20-Hour of self-study 

Tier 2- Aims at preparing specialized teachers to lead the intervention program in small resources room.

A total of 45 hours of Advanced Intensive Training on differentiation Instruction: 20 hour of one-on-one training + 25 hours of follow up on implementation.

Tier 3- The LDPA Multidisciplinary Mobile Unit conducts diagnostic assessments, provide intensive educational intervention sessions and therapeutic services for students diagnosed with learning differences.

This program will:

  • Train teachers and assistants as to be able to identify students at risk and provide the differentiated instructions that meet each child’s need using the “DECISION – DEAR 2 ME” Multi-Model Therapeutic approach.
  • Assess students’ weaknesses and strengths.
  • Identify and evaluate learning difficulties in spoken and written language, logico-mathematical reasoning, and psychomotor development.
  • Develop tailored Individualized therapeutic Plans (ITP) and Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) based on actual level of performance.
  • Build practical skills through a variety of learning tools/strategies based on strengths and personal preferences, whilst being mindful and calmer, progressively building improved habits
  • Raise parents’ awareness on the nature of the difficulties their kids are facing and equip them with strategies to deal with these challenges.

LD/ ADHD School Programs Evaluations

  • Educational consultancy
  • Evaluating existing educational programs and curricula
  • Providing recommendations in inclusion implementation and the proper use of the resources rooms.
  • Designing the support services within the classes
  • Developing the accommodations needed to ensure the success of students with learning difficulties and accompanying disorders
  • Creating plans of intervention to improve the school performance through implanting different internationally proven scientific programs as:
  •  Response to Intervention (RTI)
  • School Based Positive Behavior Support Program (PBS)
  • School Based Coaching: Instructional and Learning Coaching

Teachers Evaluations

  • Evaluating the performance of teachers working at the school through Charlotte Danielson Framework of Teaching.
  • Developing professional learning communities in schools

+965-6617 0931

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Level 4, Burj Dubai, Tayouneh Roundabout, Lebanon

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LDPA School Consultancy