





Intimacy and Passion
Bring back the Spark
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- Veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.
Years of Experience Lifepro theme
Success for all clients
Simple and Beginning
Frictionless and Simple
Chronic Coaching
Our Service
Career you’re Passionate
Pathway Eight

Pathway Seven

Pathway Six

Our happy clients
What People say about us
The fruitful collaboration between Ayash AlTofoula and LDPA in the project
‘نفسية اولادنا اولوية ببلادنا
has successfully resulted in placing more than 200 children with LD on the right pathway through a highly professional team of experts.
Dalida Ayash
ADHD coaching has helped me achieve emotional clarity and reach a stability that allowed me to pass my courses, get out of probation, and get the confidence I needed to start believing in myself again.
Y. S.
The coaching course for ADHD is a rich and useful course which highlights the special features of ADHD. I can now help clients acquire their missing executive functions. Last but not least, the continuous group training and the mentor’s observations of the training sessions further enriched and solidified the course content.