Therapy Services

A number of certified educational and clinical psychologists, social workers, behavioral therapists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, drama and play therapists have come together to provide a multi-faceted professional diagnosis for each case and thus offer integrated treatment interventions to help individuals (children, adolescents and adults) with difficulties Learning and/ or ADHD and other development delays unlock their potentials and invest in their strengths to achieve the academic success and social/ emotional maturity needed to draw a brighter future different from what they are currently facing.

The ‘LDPA – Land of Opportunities’ multidisciplinary team is highly experienced in the areas of family counseling, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and Psychodynamic psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, art, music and drama therapy. Our in person and virtual therapeutic sessions include:

  • Individual and group counseling Psychotherapy
  • Brief and long-term Counseling Services
  • ADHD/ Life Coaching
  • Occupational Therapy 
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • ABA Therapy
  • Drama Therapy 
  • Art/ Music Therapy
  • Family Therapy 
  • Group Therapy 
  • School Visits
  • Home Visits
  • Parent Training Programs
  • Mindfulness stress reduction groups
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Drama Therapy for individuals, families, and grou

Are the services provided by the LDPA – “Land of Opportunities” always individual or collective?

We believe that therapeutic interventions through small groups stimulate learning and help individuals discover their strengths and learn multiple skills by simply interacting with others around them. If needed, this approach is discussed with parents and children concerned, to plan and organize group therapy interventions.

On the other hand, the Learning Difficulties Professional Association (LDPA) adopts a “support groups” system that allows families, children and adolescents with the same kind of problems to share ideas and discuss their difficulties and ways of overcoming their challenges. These groups allow them to feel that they are not alone and to learn from others experiences.

In addition, group discussions and workshops are offered on different topics to educate our clients around self-confidence, stress management, learning strategies, back to school concerns, exams preparation, etc.



+965-6617 0931

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Level 4, Burj Dubai, Tayouneh Roundabout, Lebanon

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LDPA Therapy Services