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85 %
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Award Winning
Who we are
Does more then ever platform to achieve goal stages.
Combines industry knowledge, decades. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehender.it in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. cepteur sint experience. ingenuity and adaptability to deliver.
Energy & Environment
Taxation Planning
Investment Trading
Financial Analysis
Our Services
Career you’re Passionate

What we have
Lifpro coaching special service and success number
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- Labore et dolore magna aliqua
85 %
Brilliant Client Service
92 %
Success for all clients
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Our Work
Our commitment to your Success
what people say about our lifepro
agency working together.
The fruitful collaboration between Ayash AlTofoula and LDPA in the project
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has successfully resulted in placing more than 200 children with LD on the right pathway through a highly professional team of experts.
Dalida Ayash
ADHD coaching has helped me achieve emotional clarity and reach a stability that allowed me to pass my courses, get out of probation, and get the confidence I needed to start believing in myself again.
Y. S.
The coaching course for ADHD is a rich and useful course which highlights the special features of ADHD. I can now help clients acquire their missing executive functions. Last but not least, the continuous group training and the mentor’s observations of the training sessions further enriched and solidified the course content.
Abeer Zein El deen
As a school principal, I have partnered with LDPA to reinforce inclusive culture in my school where we managed to develop a learning difficulty department whose team is ready to ensure learning for all. This wouldn’t be possible without the effective training done by LDPA team.
Dr. Jenan Karame
They spend over 50% of our waking life at work. Devoting that amount of time to a career that brings you challenge, growth and fulfillment is critical life.