Specialized Shadow Teacher Certificate

Level 1, 2 & 3

This integrated training program allows teachers, assistant teachers, university students as well as parents to identify the learning theories and the main educational currents, understand the different stages of the child’s development and the different types of disabilities (intellectual disability, autism disorder, attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder, and learning difficulties). Learn about the academic curricula and competencies for kindergarten and primary stages. How to develop the individualized educational plans and identify the methods of teaching/ remote teaching the Arabic language competencies, the French language competencies, the English language competencies, and mathematics with an ABA session covering behavior management techniques  

Participants may choose to attend each of its courses separately and receive a Certificate of Attendance for that course. OR attend the whole program and receive a Certificate Of Achievement that mark them as “SPECIALIZED SHADOW TEACHER”

A training program that includes 20 study units. Each study unit includes 6 professional development training hours equivalent to 120 training hours; In addition to 100 hours of field training under the supervision of specialists in special education and psychology.

The program is available online and is available in English and French languages

table of contents

level 1

  1. introduction to pedagogy and pedagogical trends: practical solutions
  2. sensory awaking
  3. child development: physical, cognitive and language
  4. the child psychosocial development
  5. psychomotricity and education
  6. methods of teaching arabic language (1)
  7. methods of teaching arabic language (2)

level 2

  1. students with hearing loss
  2. students with visual impairments
  3. students with autistic spectrum disorders
  4. students with mental retardation
  5. students with cerbral palsey
  6. learning difficulties
  7. methods of teaching french language

level 3

  1. developing the individualized educational plan (iep)
  2. methods of teaching mathematics
  3. methods of teaching english language
  4. students with adhd- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  5. behavior modification
  6. ethics and education

practicum – 20 hrs. case study